When you are considering plans for your future, often you take into consideration goals you'd like to reach that have yet been unrealized. What are the things you'd like to accomplish both near and far term? Do you have an action plan in place to carry out your vision, or are you pondering just what time frame in which to complete your task? Developing a list of what goals you want to achieve, how and when you are going to accomplish completing those goals, and who is going to help you get there can be a daunting task.
Usually, if you are old school, you'll use pen and paper to write down your defined set of desiralbe outcomes. If you're part of the newer generation, you'll put those thoughts into a document on a computer or laptop. Really tech savvy people can use their smart phone and store them in their notes app or upload a file to the cloud to access upon demand. As you progress through your list and reach the goals you have desired to attain, you then scratch through each one on paper or perhaps delete it as it is accomplished.
However, regardless of your style of note taking, you need to be able to see what you are doing. The older you get, the harder that becomes due to the aging process and what happens to your vision. As you age, your eyes become more dependent on using some type of correctional product, such as glasses, contact lenses, or even surgery. The older you get, the harder it is to see without those devices.
According to the National Institute on Aging with the NIH, it is normal to notice changes in your vision. A few common changes for older adults include:
Losing the ability to see up close.
Having trouble distinguishing colors, such as blue from black.
Needing more time to adjust to changing levels of light.
Experiencing difficulty with night time driving
Developing cataracts or glaucoma.
These problems are often easily corrected. Glasses, contact lenses, and improved lighting may help and enable you to maintain your lifestyle and independence. At some point, you may elect to have surgery including lasik to improve your eyesight. For significant more information, visit their website: https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/vision-and-vision-loss/aging-and-your-eyes.
Your eyes are an important part of your health. You can do many things to keep them healthy and make sure you’re seeing your best. According to the American Academy of Opthalmology, If you're in your 20s or 30s, you probably don't spend much time thinking about eye disease or vision care. However, this is exactly the time you should be acting to prevent future vision loss. Most eye problems are preventable with simple healthy habits.
What are the best ways to avoid eye problems later in life?
Know your family history.
Always wear sunglasses outdoors.
Protect your eyes at work and when playing sports.
Take care of your glasses and/or contact lenses.
Do not share makeup.
Eat well and exercise.
Do not smoke.
Visit your eye doctor at least once per year.
No matter what your age, if you have an infection in or injury to your eyes, eye pain or see unusual flashes, floaters, or patterns of light in your field of vision, call your ophthalmologist. Visit the AAO website for a lot of detailed information on vision health:
An estimated 76% of American adults need vision correction, but even if you have perfect vision, regular eye exams can play a vital role in your health, according to Forbes. Eye examinations can detect diseases such as diabetes or glaucoma. Plus, modern life and prolonged exposure to digital screens can create eye issues. (https://www.forbes.com/advisor/health-insurance/is-vision-insurance-worth-it/).
Almost two thirds of Americans (63%) don't have vision coverage. As a licensed insurance agent, I can help you select a vision plan to help with your eye health needs. Your savings are well worth the cost of a plan. Individual vision insurance is available through many carriers. Visit my website for a lot of selection options: https://www.careingdentalgroup.com/vision-insurance
Forecast your vision of the future with good vision.
